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Tarakandi school front side
Tarakandi High School Gate

Tarakandi High School Application procedure


First Send Tk 110 to Rocket Biller ID 2531 in the name of Tarakandi High School for admission application. Now follow the below steps.

*322# → Payment → Bill Pay → Other → Enter Payer Mobile No → Other→  Enter Biller ID (2531) → Enter Bill No (Ad6/Ad7/Ad8/ Ad9) → Enter Amount ( 110 ) →  Pin Number → OK

After payment you will get a transaction number from Tarakandi High School.

Help Number: 01728-789279

আবেদন করা যা‌বে ২০ ডি‌সেম্বর, ২০২৩ খ্রি তা‌রিখ রা‌ত্রি ১২:00ঘ‌টিকা পর্যন্ত

Now fill the admission form carefully if you have the information asked in the form.